Michael J. Cohen

Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Rebel Cels

Rebel Cels is a Star Wars podcast specifically covering animated Star Wars content, hosted by Michael J. Cohen (oh wait, that’s me).

You’re going to see a lot of my podcast brands in this portfolio, because honestly, I’m pretty proud of them. And this one is hot off the presses and making its debut here on my portfolio.

This one was motivated by two things; a need for a more recognizable logo for the podcast, as well as something new for my portfolio. The previous logo just wasn’t something I was proud to display, so I challenged myself to a quick 30-minute redesign, and this was the result.

Rebel Cels is the evolution of my longest running podcast, so it hold a special place for me.

I wanted something to match the uniqueness of the Force Perspectives logo I created, so I took a queue from that design and riffed on an existing Star Wars logo; two of them, in fact. Using the stellar Astro font by David Occhino, I made some custom modifications to match the Star Wars Rebels wordmark.

The result is a fun melding of the classic Star Wars logo with the Rebels logo, and the colour palette is a reference to my favourite modern Star Wars marketing campaign, The Last Jedi.

This is also part of the larger ThunderQuack family of podcasts, so there’s some co-branding there to consider. You can learn more about that process in my ThunderQuack Case Study (Coming Soon).

You know, I'm something of a graphic designer myself